Road Safety – Stay safe when you are on the road

As We all are related to travelling most of the time during our work. As drivers, passengers, cyclists, motorcyclists, and pedestrians. We are all responsible for road safety to prevent accidents and loss. There are lots of tips available but mentioned only few of them which are most critical.

Below are tips for safe travelling in work zones:

1) Expect the Unexpected :

    • Things may change overnight on the routes you travel everyday.
    • Normal speed limits may be reduced; traffic lanes and sidewalks may be closed, narrowed, or shifted; and people may be working on or near the road, ensure their safety.

    2)  Stay Alert : 

    • Dedicate your full attention to the roadway and avoid distraction while approaching and driving/walking/biking in a work zone.
    • Don`t drive further if you are Fatigue or Tired. Take rest every 2 hours and refresh your body by having water, stretching body, etc.
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    3) Keep A Safe Distance :

    • Keep Safe distance between you and the car ahead of you.
    • Rear-end collisions account for 30% of work zone crashes.
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    4) Obey The Speed Limit :

    • Speeding is one of the major causes of work zone crashes.
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    5) Keep Up With The Traffic Flow :

    • Don’t slow down to look at road work.

    6) Obey Road Crew Flaggers And Pay Attention To Signs :

    • The flagger knows what is best for moving all road users safely through the work zone.
    • The construction signs are there to help every one move safely through the work zone.

    7) Know Before You Go :

    • Check radio, TV, and websites for traffic information; and schedule enough time so you can reach your destination on time and safely.

    8) Be Patient And Stay Calm :

    • Work zones are not there to personally inconvenience you.
    • Remember, the crew members are working to improve the transportation system.

    9) War Your Seatbelt :

    • It is your best defense in a crash.

    10) Wear Crash Helmet :

    • Crash full face helmet prevent head injury and save you in case of accident.

    Safety Helmet || The Vital Role of Helmet in Road Safety

    11) Don`t drink and drive :

    • It is strictly to follow not to drive under the influence of alcohol and/or medication which feels you uncomfortable or unstable.
    Road Safety Tips for Safe Driving
    Road Safety: Expect the Unexpected, Stay Alert, Maintain Safe Distance, Obey Speed Limits, Follow Traffic Flow, Pay Attention to Road Crew, Plan Your Route, Stay Calm, Always Wear Seatbelt, Use Crash Helmet, Avoid Drinking and Driving.