World Environment Day Themes and Host Countries

World Environment Day Themes and Host Countries: 1972-2024 as given in below tables;

World Environment Day Themes and Host Countries From Year 1972 to 1980.

YearThemeHost city
1972Stockholm Conference on Human EnvironmentStockholm, United Nations
1973Only one EarthGeneva, Switzerland
1974Only one EarthSpokane, US
1975Human SettlementsDhaka, Bangladesh
1976Water: Vital Resource for LifeOntario, Canada
1977Ozone Layer Environmental Concern; Lands Loss and Soil DegradationSylhet, Bangaladesh
1978Development Without DestructionSylhet, Bangaladesh
1979Only One Future for Our Children – Development Without DestructionSylhet, Bangaladesh
1980A New Challenge for the New Decade: Development Without DestructionSylhet, Bangaladesh

From Year 1981 to 1990.

1981Ground Water; Toxic Chemicals in Human Food ChainsSylhet, Bangaladesh
1982Ten Years After Stockholm (Renewal of Environmental Concerns)Dhaka, Bangladesh
1983Managing and Disposing Hazardous Waste: Acid Rain and EnergySylhet, Bangaladesh
1984DesertificationRajshahi, Bangladesh
1985Youth: Population and the EnvironmentIslamabad, Pakistan
1986A Tree for PeaceOntario, Canada
1987Environment and Shelter: More Than A RoofNairobi, Kenya
1988When People Put the Environment First, Development Will LastBangkok, Thailand
1989Global Warming, Global WarningBrussels, Belgium
1990Children and the EnvironmentMexico, Mexico
World Environment Day Theme from 1972 to 2024
World Environment Day Theme 2024 : Land Restoration, Desertification & Drought Resilience under the slogan “Our land. Our future. We are #GenerationRestoration.

From Year 1991 to 2000.

1991Climate Change : Need for Global PartnershipStockholm, Sweden
1992Only One Earth, Care and ShareRio De Janerio, Brazil
1993Poverty and the Environment – Breaking the Vicious CircleBeijing, China
1994One Earth One FamilyLondon, UK
1995We the Peoples: United for the Global EnvironmentPretoria, South Africa
1996Our Earth, Our Habitat, Our HomeIstanbul, Turkey
1997For Life on EarthSeou, Republic Of Korea
1998For Life on Earth – Save Our SeasMoscow, Russia
1999Our Earth – Our Future – Just Save It!Tokyo, Japan
2000The Environment Millennium – Time to ActAdelaide, Australia

From Year 2001 to 2010.

2001Connect with the World Wide Web of LifeTorino, Italy And Havana, Cuba
2002Give Earth a ChanceShenzhen, China
2003Water – Two Billion People are Dying for It!Beirut, Lebanon
2004Wanted! Seas and Oceans – Dead or Alive?Barcelona, Spain
2005Green Cities – Plant for the Planet!San Francisco, US
2006Deserts and Desertification – Don’t Desert Drylands!Algiers, Algeria
2007Melting Ice – a Hot Topic?London, UK
2008Kick The Habit – Towards A Low Carbon EconomyWellington, Newzeland
2009Your Planet Needs You – Unite to Combat Climate ChangeMexico, Mexico
2010Many Species. One Planet. One FutureRangpur, Bangladesh

From Year 2011 to 2023.

2011Forests: Nature at your ServiceDelhi, India
2012Green Economy: Does it include you?Brasilia, Brazil
2013Think.Eat.Save. Reduce Your FoodprintUlaanbaatar, Mongolia
2014Raise your voice, not the sea levelBridgetown Barbados
2015Seven Billion Dreams. One Planet. Consume with Care.Rome, Italy
2016Zero Tolerance for the Illegal Wildlife tradeLuanda, Angola
2017Connecting People to Nature – in the city and on the land, from the poles to the equatorOttawa, Canada
2018Beat Plastic PollutionNew Delhi, India
2019Beat Air PollutionChina
2020Time For NatureColombia
2021Ecosystem Restoration : Reimagine, Recreate, RestorePakistan
2022Only One EarthSweden
2023Solutions to Plastic PollutionRepublic of Côte d’Ivoire

World Environment Day Themes and Host Countries For the Year 2024.

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