Oxygen storage checklist in storage yard

It is essential to adhere to safety guidelines for oxygen storage in a yard to avoid accidents and ensure the safety of employees and the surrounding environment. To ensure the safety, follow this basic in storage yard:


  • Choose a location with adequate ventilation, good air circulation, and no nearby ignition sources.
  • Make sure the storage yard is away from fuels, combustibles, and flammable materials.

Signage and Labeling for oxygen storage:

  • Signs should clearly indicate the presence of compressed oxygen in the area.
  • Utilize fitting marks to recognize oxygen chambers, tanks, or compartments.

Storage Facilities:

  • Before storing oxygen cylinders, tanks, or containers, look for signs of deterioration, damage, or leaks.
  • Utilize oxygen-specific storage containers in approved and designated area for this purpose.
  • Never keep Oxygen in unapproved or improvised containers.

Keeping the Containers Safe:

  • To prevent oxygen containers from tipping or falling, ensure that they are stored securely.
  • To keep oxygen cylinders upright and stable, utilize oxygen cylinder-specific racks, stands, or brackets.

Separation for oxygen storage:

  • In accordance with safety guidelines, keep oxygen cylinders at a minimum distance from combustible materials, flammable liquids, and gases.
  • Keep the cylinders spaced out evenly to prevent damage and make access easier.

Fire Counteraction for oxygen storage:

  • Keep fire quenchers promptly accessible and guarantee they are proper for stifling oxygen fires.
  • Carry out fire counteraction measures, for example, standard investigations, eliminating start sources, and giving heat proof boundaries.


  • To prevent oxygen buildup and potential oxygen enrichment, ensure that the storage area has adequate ventilation.
  • Routinely take a look at ventilation frameworks and guarantee they are in legitimate working condition.

Transport and Handling:

  • When handling, moving, and transporting oxygen cylinders or containers, follow the proper procedures.
  • During transportation, cylinders should not be dropped or damaged by using the appropriate lifting equipment or dollies.

Awareness and training:

  • Employees should receive appropriate instruction regarding the safe handling, storage, and utilization of oxygen.
  • Make employees aware of emergency procedures and potential hazards.

Inspection and Maintenance:

  • Consistently review oxygen capacity compartments for breaks, harm, or indications of wear.
  • Follow prescribed support timetables to guarantee the honesty of capacity hardware.

Keep in mind that the safe oxygen storage necessitates consulting and adhering to relevant local regulations, industry standards, checklist and guidelines.