Safety Tips for Earthquake || Before, During, and After

Knowing the appropriate earthquake preparedness safety tips can save lives in the event of an earthquake. To make sure your preparedness for an earthquake, this comprehensive guide provides crucial earthquake safety information.

Safety Tips for What to do before the Earthquake?

Before an earthquake occurs, preparing for it can significantly reduce risks and guarantee safety.

For earthquake preparedness, the following safety tips are essential:

Have an Emergency Kit Ready:

  • Make a kit out of water, food that won’t spoil, medicines, first aid supplies, flashlights, batteries, and important documents.
  • Ensure each relative knows the location of kit.

Make a Family Plan:

  • Make a plan for an emergency that includes safe places in each room, like under sturdy furniture or against the interior walls.
  • With a designated out-of-area contact, create a communication plan.

Protect Your Home:

  • To stop heavy furniture from falling over, attach cabinets and bookshelves to the walls.
  • Cabinet doors can be kept closed during an earthquake by using latches.
  • Make certain that heavy appliances like water heaters fastened securely.

Conduct Regular Drills:

  • Make sure everyone in your family knows how to protect themselves in the event of an earthquake by participating in drills called “Drop, Cover, and Hold On.”
  • Participate in earthquake drills and learn about the emergency plans in your community.

Identify Safe Places:

  • Make sure you know where the best places to be safe are in each room, like under a sturdy table or against a wall inside, away from windows.
  • Ensure every relative knows these safe locations.

Check for Risks and Hazards:

  • Check your house for potential dangers, like unsecured heavy objects or things on high shelves.
  • Secure loose objects and store heavy items low to the ground to eliminate potential hazards.

Educate and make aware your family:

  • Educate and make your family aware how to be safe in the event of an earthquake, including what to do before, during, and after the event.
  • Communicate the significance of preparedness for earthquakes and the risks associated with them.

Safety Tips for What to Do During the Earthquake?

Knowing what to do during an earthquake is crucial for staying safe.

Here are key safety tips to follow:

Drop, Cover, and Hold On:


  • Get down on all fours to forestall being pushed over.


  • Under sturdy furniture, you can cover your head and neck. Utilize your arms and remain low if no cover is available.

Hang On:

  • Keep your shelter in place until the shaking stops. Continue to cover your head and neck if you are not under a sturdy object.

Stay inside:

Stay inside:

  • Stay inside if you are inside. Moving outside can put you at risk from falling debris.

Create some distance from Windows:

  • Avoid glass, mirrors, windows, and anything else that could break.

Avoid the Exterior Walls:

  • Typically, interior walls are safer. Place yourself away from windows against an interior wall.

If outdoors:

Find an Open Area:

  • Move to a space that is open, away from trees, buildings, streetlights, and utility wires.

Keep your feet planted:

  • Cover your head and neck as you fall to the ground until the shaking stops.

In a Vehicle:

Securely pull over:

  • Stop as fast and securely as could really be expected.
  • Avoid making stops near buildings or trees, under bridges, or under overpasses.

Keep inside the car:

  • Stay in your vehicle until the shaking stops. Debris can be protected in part by your car.

In the Bed:

Remain in Bed:

  • On the off chance that you are sleeping, remain there and cover your head and neck with a cushion.

Avoid being struck by falling objects:

  • Injuries caused by shattered glass or falling objects can be avoided by staying in bed.

Avoid Elevators:

Do not use elevators:

  • When there is an earthquake, elevators can become dangerous. If you need to change floors, take the stairs.

Stay Calm and Think Clearly:

Remain calm:

  • Accidents and poor decision-making can be brought on by panic.
  • Remain as quiet as could really be expected and follow your wellbeing plan.


  • Communicate calmly and clearly with others to ensure that everyone knows what to do.

Safety Tips for What to Do After the Earthquake?

It is essential to stay safe during an earthquake to know what to do.

Important safety guidelines include:

Check for Injuries:

Evaluate Both You and Others:

  • You and other people should look for injuries. Give emergency treatment if important and call for clinical assistance if necessary.

Avoid Moving the Seriously Injured:

  • Do not move seriously injured people unless they are in immediate danger.

Inspect Your Home:

Examine for Risks:

  • Search for potential dangers, for example, gas spills, water line breaks, or electrical hazards. Turn off the gas valve and leave the building if you smell gas.

Disable utilities:

  • Assuming you suspect harm, switch off the primary gas, water, and power valves.

Check for Damage to the Structure:

  • Check for breaks in walls, roofs, and establishments. The building should be evacuated if there is significant damage.

Stay Informed:

Listen to broadcasts of emergencies:

  • Listen for local authorities’ emergency updates and instructions using a battery-powered radio or your phone.

Follow Instructions:

  • Follow any evacuation instructions or other instructions given by emergency personnel.

Be Prepared for Aftershocks:

Expect Aftershocks:

  • Delayed repercussions are normal after a significant quake. Be ready to drop, cover, and hang on because they can do more damage.

Locate a Safe Space:

  • Move to a more secure area in the event that you feel that your ongoing climate isn’t secure.

Communicate with Family:

Be in touch with loved ones:

  • Inform your friends and family that you are safe. If phone lines are down, use social media or text messages.

Plan your reunion:

  • Use a designated out-of-area contact or a prearranged meeting place if you are separated.

Help Others:

Help Neighbors:

  • Be on the lookout for elderly or disabled neighbors who might require assistance.

Safely Volunteer:

  • If you can safely assist, call the emergency services in your area.

Stay Away from Damaged Areas:

Do not enter damaged structures:

  • If a building has suffered significant damage, you should wait for professionals to inspect it before entering.

Steer Clear of Debris:

  • Avoid falling power lines and other dangers.

Document Damage:

Notes and pictures:

  • Make a note of any property damage for insurance purposes.
  • This can assist with cases and recuperation endeavors.

Inform those in charge:

  • Report any significant damage or hazards to local authorities.

Seek Support:

Emotional Support:

  • Earthquakes can be traumatic.
  • If you need help, talk to friends, family, or professional counselors.

Public Resources:

  • Food, lodging, and medical care can all be obtained with the assistance of community resources and services.

Learn and Prepare:

Analyze Your Response:

  • Survey how well your crisis plan functioned and make enhancements depending on the situation.

Stay Ready:

  • Maintain your knowledge of earthquake safety tips and replenish your emergency kit.
Understanding what to do before, during, and after the earthquake is critical for ensuring safety. Remember these safety tips for earthquake, stay ready, and aware others about the earthquake safety. Display posters about how to prepare for an earthquake and keep your knowledge up to date with the latest information.