Electric Motor/Pump Inspection Checklist
Definition of Motor And Pump:
A pump is a mechanical machine used to raise or transfer fluids using suction or pressure. The most well-known examples of pumps are the windmill and watermill used to pump water.
The motor is an electro-mechanical device that transforms electrical energy into mechanical energy.
Connection between motor and pump:
A pump is a device that uses forces such as air to transfer fluids. Because the moving part begins to move, the air pushes forward from the way. These are usually turned on by electric motors that operate a compressor. As a result of the water flow, a partial vacuum might be generated, which is later filled with extra air.
Below are the checkpoints for safety inspection of Electric Motor/Pump.
Company Name :
Date of Inspection :
Make :
Model :
Number :
Owned/Hired/Contractor :
SN | Details |
1 | Electric Motor/Pump should be physically in good and working condition. |
2 | Wiring of Motor/Pump should be free from damage. |
3 | It should be fixed properly with on hard support if required. |
4 | Junction box of motor/pump should be free from defect and packed properly. |
5 | Electric Motor/Pump on/off switch should be free from defect and covered properly with insulation. |
6 | Rotating part of motor/pump should be covered with fixed guard and are in good condition. |
7 | Motor/Pump capacity should be marked properly. |
8 | Motor/Pump should be grounded properly |
Fit for use: Yes/No |
Inspection Done By: |
Name: |
Department: |
Designation: |
Signature: |
Date: |
Review Done By: |
Name: |
Department: |
Designation: |
Signature: |
Date: |
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