Color code for Safety Helmet

Color code for Safety Helmet

Did you know the color code of safety helmet or Hard Hat in Industries?

  • Safety Helmet is most important personal protective equipment PPE to ensure workplace safety.
  • It is used for head protection.
  • It is most widely PPE among other personal Protective equipment.s
  • Industrial Safety Helmet are most important to protect head from falling objects, flying objects from the side of eye, neck from any unwanted situations. Head injury can be fatal so it is safe to wear safety helmet while working in industrial premises.
  • There are different color helmet available in market, so color code of industrial helmet for employee/visitor which can be as per their designation/department/work.
  • There are guidelines given by OSHA but there is as such no mandate regarding color code for employee. 
  • Generally it is as given in below, color code for Safety Helmet/Hard Hat varies industry to industry.
Yellow Helmet for laborer, Heavy-duty operations & construction tasks
Yellow Helmet for laborer, Heavy-duty operations & construction tasks
White Helmet for Managers, Engineers, Supervisors, Foreman
White Helmet for Managers, Engineers, Supervisors, Foreman
Red for Fire Fighters or other employee with emergency training
Red for Fire Fighters or other employee with emergency training
Pink helmets for Female Workers or as an additional option
Pink helmets for Female Workers or as an additional option
Grey helmet for Site Visitors
Grey helmet for Site Visitors
Green helmet for Safety Officers
Green helmet for Safety Officers
Brown helmet for Welders & high heat operations
Brown helmet for Welders & high heat operations
Blue helmet for Electricians and Technical Operators
Blue helmet for Electricians and Technical Operators

Hope above information is useful to select right color of industrial helmet for your workmen.