Batching plant Inspection Checklist
Company Name :
Date of Inspection :
Make :
Model :
Number :
Owned/Hired/Contractor :
SN | Details |
1 | Batching Plant should be physically in good condition. |
2 | Operator cabin should be neat, clean and well maintained. |
3 | Conveyer should be guarded, covered and Limit switch or Pull Cord should be installed. |
4 | Mixing chamber should be closed. |
5 | Guard rail should be installed and in good condition. |
6 | Metal mesh should be available on aggregate and sand hoppers. |
7 | Staircase should be in good condition without any damage. |
8 | Monkey ladder should be available with cage and fall protection system. |
9 | All machinery of the batching plant should be installed on firm base properly. |
10 | Lightning arrestor should be installed. |
11 | Authorised and trained person only allowed to operate batching plant. |
12 | Fire extinguisher and first aid kit should be available in operator cabin. |
13 | Emergency switch and hooter should be available in working condition. |
14 | Aviation light should be installed and in working condition. |
15 | All power cables and connections should be in proper condition with earthing and grounding, MCB, ELCB, RCCB, etc as per std requirements. |
16 | Proper space and road provided for the stand and movement of loading, unloading trucks, other heavy equipment. |
17 | Whole plant should have authorised entry only. |
Batching plant Safety Inspection ChecklistInspection Done By: |
Name: |
Department: |
Designation: |
Signature: |
Date: |
Review Done By: |
Name: |
Department: |
Designation: |
Signature: |
Date: |
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