Water Tanker Inspection Checklist
Company Name :
Date of Inspection :
Make :
Model :
Number :
Owned/Hired/Contractor :
SN | Details |
1 | Water tanker should be physically in good condition and free from leakage. |
2 | Side mirror should be in good condition. |
3 | Head and tail light should be free from damage and in working condition. |
4 | Side light or indicator should be in working condition and free from damage. |
5 | Wind Shield or glass should be in good condition. |
6 | No damage in tire ( It is free from cut, crack, etc.) |
7 | Wiper should be in working condition. |
8 | Seat belt should be available and in working condition. |
9 | Registration number should be written and clearly visible. |
10 | Red triangle or reflective tape should be there at front of the vehicle. |
11 | Fire extinguisher should be available in driver cabin. |
12 | First aid kit available with all required things. |
13 | Driver should have valid and suitable license as per legal requirement. |
14 | Normal and emergency (Hand) breaks should be in working condition. |
15 | Front and reverse horn should be in working condition. |
16 | Required documents like RC Book, PUC, Insurance, etc should be available as per legal requirements. |
17 | Emergency numbers should be available with driver. |
Water Tanker Safety Inspection Checklist
Inspection Done By: |
Name: |
Department: |
Designation: |
Signature: |
Date: |
Review Done By: |
Name: |
Department: |
Designation: |
Signature: |
Date: |
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