Gantry Crane Inspection Checklist
Company Name :
Date of Inspection :
Make :
Model :
Number :
Owned/Hired/Contractor :
SN | Details |
1 | Gantry crane should be physically in good condition, free from defects and should have valid TPI. |
2 | Operator Cabin should be in good condition. |
3 | Proper base to run should be available. |
4 | Walkway should be free from obstruction and free from defects along with Guard Rails. |
5 | Safe working load should be marked. |
6 | Access ladder should be provided with proper railings. |
7 | Proximity sensor should be in working condition. |
8 | Slings should be free from defects and tested properly. |
9 | Safety latch in hook and in working condition. |
10 | Rotating parts should be covered properly by means of canopy or guarding. |
11 | Audible horn should be available and in working condition. |
12 | First Aid Kit should be available in operator cabin (with in expiry date). |
13 | Load Chart Available in Operator cabin. |
14 | Fire Extinguisher available (in good condition, pressure within range) |
15 | Power cable should be free from damages. |
16 | Deflection Test Should be carried out for smooth operation. |
17 | Operator should have suitable and valid license. |
Fit for use: Yes/No |
Inspection Done By: |
Name: |
Department: |
Designation: |
Signature: |
Date: |
Review Done By: |
Name: |
Department: |
Designation: |
Signature: |
Date: |