Portable Grinder Inspection Checklist
Company Name :
Date of Inspection :
Make :
Model :
Number :
Owned/Hired/Contractor :
SN | Details |
1 | Portable Grinder should be physically sound and in working condition. |
2 | Portable Grinder Cable should be damage free and always use industrial plug to take power connection. |
3 | Capacity of Motor should be marked clearly or refer manual. |
4 | Dead man switch should be in working condition. |
5 | Flexible cord should be provided to prevent cable damage. |
6 | Handle should be provided for better control. |
7 | Wheel guard should be installed with grinder. Gap between guard and wheel should not be more than 3mm. |
8 | Grinding/cutting wheel should free from defect and rotating capacity should be marked. It should be checked before every use. |
9 | Machine should be double insulated or grounded by proper means. |
10 | Must use designated key for removing and changing wheel. |
11 | Machine must be operated by competent and experienced person. |
12 | RPM of wheel should be more than RPM of motor. |
13 | Use all required PPE while operating Portable Grinder. |
![Portable Grinder inspection Checklist]()
Inspection Done By: |
Name: |
Department: |
Designation: |
Signature: |
Date: |
Review Done By: |
Name: |
Department: |
Designation: |
Signature: |
Date: |
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